Health Plan PCORI Fees Are Due August 1 | Virginia Employee Benefits

Do you offer coverage to your employees through a self-insured group health plan? Do you sponsor a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA)? If so, do you know whether your plan or HRA is subject to the annual Patient-Centered Research Outcomes Institute (PCORI) fee? This article answers frequently-asked questions about the PCORI fee, which plans are affected, … Continued

4 Ways to Get Financially Fit in Your 40s | Virginia Employee Benefits

Many people in their 40s are facing an uncomfortable fact: They simply aren’t where they’d hoped to be financially. Fortunately, all their life experience can help correct for past mistakes. “There’s a different trigger moment for everybody,” says Jay Howard, financial advisor and partner at MHD Financial in San Antonio, Texas. “But regardless of when … Continued

EEOC Posts Sample Notice for Employer Wellness Programs | Virginia Employee Benefits

Our May 24, 2016 blog post, “EEOC Finalizes Rules for Employer Wellness Programs,” summarized new regulations issued under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) for workplace wellness programs. At that time, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced it would develop a sample notice for employers to use … Continued

Financial Goals for Every Decade of Your Life | Virginia Employee Benefits

For most people, becoming an adult means hitting major milestones like finishing college, getting married, having children and buying a home. While everyone isn’t on the same path, setting financial targets can help you achieve your personal goals — whatever they may be. Here are 12 tips for making sure they become a reality: Financial … Continued

Getting the Most from Summer Interns | Virginia Employee Benefits

Thousands of high school and college students are getting ready to participate in the time-honored tradition of summer internships and co-ops. According to the 2015 National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) survey, about 51.7 percent of interns and 37.8 percent of co-op participants got hired after their programs ended, which means that most internships lead … Continued

Does the FLSA Final Rule Apply to All Overtime Exemptions? | VA Employee Benefits

Most of the attention with the recently-released Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) final rule for “white collar” overtime exemption focused on the change in the salary threshold for positions related to administrative, professional and executive exemptions. But what about the other FLSA job categories, such as salespeople or computer professionals, to name a few? Does … Continued

How Much Life Insurance Do You Really Need? | VA Employee Benefits

Some people equate life insurance with tragedy and death. In truth, life insurance is for the living. Without it, the sudden demise of a key breadwinner could leave a family stranded without the resources to maintain their lifestyle—or even retain their home. Not so long ago, professionals recommended that families carry a life insurance policy … Continued