From Resolutions to Reality | Virginia Benefit Consultants

Ever wonder why the resolutions you make in January don’t stick around after March? You aren’t alone! Studies show that only 8% of people keep their New Year’s resolutions. Only 8%! Why? And how do people achieve their goals set at New Year’s? We’ve broken it down for you so you can identify your goal-breaker … Continued

5 Ways to Say Thank You | VA Employee Benefits Agency

As we begin our new year of 2019, we have also closed 2018 with lots of celebrations, gift-giving, and family time. Showing appreciation for others during this generous season comes second nature for some but for others, it doesn’t.  You may be looking for ideas on how to express your gratitude effectively to those around … Continued

How to Stop Procrastinating (Finally!) | Virginia Benefit Consultants

Do you consider yourself a procrastinator? A 2015 study published in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy found that about 50 percent of people consider themselves “mild” or “average” when it comes to procrastinating. And about 20 percent of people view themselves as chronic procrastinators, meaning that they procrastinate in many different areas of their lives — work, … Continued

Summer Survival Guide | Virginia Benefit Brokers

We are halfway through our summer break and by now you have heard 1,000 times, “I’m bored!” from your kids! How do you survive the summer and keep your sanity? Follow these tips to make this summer break memorable and tackle the challenge of keeping your kids engaged. Keep A Routine Kids thrive with schedules. … Continued