Exploring Mental Health Benefits | VA Employee Benefits Firm

The overall well-being of an employee has never been more of a priority for employers as it is right now. From health care to vision care to mental health care, the entirety of the employee’s health is important to the health of the organization. Importance of Mental Health Benefits Mental health and the cost of … Continued

Mental Health Exercises for a Strong Mind | VA Benefits Team

When someone says they want to get healthy, you naturally think of physical health. However, we do have the ability to do a mind workout so that we are mentally fit. We’ve collected some exercises to help you build your mental-muscle-strength and, in turn, build a strong and healthy body. Anxiety disorders are the highest … Continued

Web Therapy: The Doctor Will Skype You Now | Virginia Employee Benefits

Overview When Madison Maroney (name changed for privacy) moved from Boston to Wisconsin, there was one thing the 40-year-old east-coaster couldn’t leave behind: Her weekly therapy sessions. So now, two years later, in her Midwestern home, she pops open her laptop every week, logs on, and via live-streaming video, talks through her highs and lows … Continued