The Attitude of Gratitude | VA Employee Benefits Group

You may have heard the saying attitude of gratitude.  It’s a great little rhyme to remind us to  live a life of gratitude – and practice it!  When we practice being thankful on a regular basis, it not only impacts our mental and physical health, but those around you as well. The Definition of Gratitude … Continued

The Health of Gratitude | Virginia Employee Benefits Agency

The month of November has a central focus on the holiday, Thanksgiving. Linked with this holiday is the emotion of gratitude. We want to take a closer look at this emotion and see how it is linked to better health and give you some practical tips on how to increase the size of your gratitude … Continued

5 Ways to Say Thank You | VA Employee Benefits Agency

As we begin our new year of 2019, we have also closed 2018 with lots of celebrations, gift-giving, and family time. Showing appreciation for others during this generous season comes second nature for some but for others, it doesn’t.  You may be looking for ideas on how to express your gratitude effectively to those around … Continued