Benefits Check-up: 6 Compliance Issues Affecting Your Clients’ Health | VA Employee Benefits Group

A health plan is more than a product or service; it’s a relationship. All productive and healthy relationships—especially in the benefits space—rely on trust. When an employer extends trust in a broker or insurance carrier to purchase something as critical as healthcare—for people as critical as their workers and families—we’re obligated to raise all factors … Continued

Ask the Experts: Using a Health FSA on COBRA | Virginia Employee Benefits

Question: A terminated employee took COBRA for the health FSA. Can he stop making after-tax COBRA contributions after three months, then just keep paying the 2 percent admin fee and continue accessing the account? Or does he have to make full contributions in order to use it, even on COBRA? Answer: Health flexible spending account … Continued

DOL Guidance for Benefit Plans Impacted by Hurricane Harvey | Virginia Benefit Advisors

The U.S. Department of Labor has issued compliance guidance for benefit plans, employers and employees, and service providers who are impacted by Hurricane Harvey. The guidance generally provides relief from various ERISA requirements and time limits for entities in the disaster area. This follows the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announcement extending certain filing dates, including … Continued