Benefits Buzz September 2023 | Virginia Benefits Group

ACA’s Pay or Play Affordability Percentage Decreases for 2024 On Aug. 23, 2023, the IRS released the affordability percentage threshold for 2024 plan years under the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) pay or play rules. For plan years beginning in 2024, employer-sponsored coverage will be considered affordable under the ACA’s pay or play rules if the … Continued

8 Unique Benefits Employers Are Offering to Attract Talent in Asia-Pacific | VA Employee Benefits Partners

If the so-called Great Resignation taught us anything, it’s that employees are looking for more than just a salary when it comes to their jobs. Employee benefits have a crucial part in enhancing engagement, attracting new employees, and retaining top talent. Employee benefits refer to any form of compensation that employees receive in addition to their base … Continued

Trending Topics: Fertility Benefits | Virginia Employee Benefits Partners

Did you know that in 2017 the American Medical Association and the World Health Organization recognized infertility as a disease? Approximately 17.5% – roughly one in six couples– are affected by infertility in the U.S. As societal norms and employee expectations continue to evolve, companies are recognizing the importance of offering comprehensive benefits packages that … Continued

Benefits Breakdown August 2023 | Virginia Benefits Consultants

Strategies for Identifying and Resolving Gaps in Benefits Offerings Identifying gaps in benefits offerings can be complex, as it requires a careful assessment of employee preferences, trends and organizational resources. However, this task is vital; benefits offerings can lead to increased employee engagement and satisfaction. Consider the following strategies for identifying and addressing these gaps: … Continued

Why Health Insurance Matters | Virginia Employee Benefits Agency

Health insurance may not be the most exciting thing to shop for but it’s one of the most important things that you can buy for yourself and for your family.  Having health insurance has many benefits.  It protects you and your family from financial loss in the same way that home or car insurance does.  … Continued

Benefits Breakdown July 2023 | VA Employee Benefits Group

Managing Costs Associated With Cell and Gene Therapy Cell and gene therapy (CGT) is a treatment that modifies a patient’s genetic code to treat or cure specific diseases. These treatments have the potential to enhance patient care and outcomes, but they come at a very high cost. While there’s an urgency to bring CGT to … Continued