Life Insurance Vs. Accidental Death Insurance | Virginia Benefit Advisors

There are several primary differences between life insurance and accidental death insurance. Accidental death insurance is actually accidental death and dismemberment, which will pay you money for loss of limbs, although not always for the full policy amount. While life insurance will typically cover all instances of death, accidental death and dismemberment insurance is extremely … Continued

5 Financial Mistakes Millennials Are Making | Virginia Employee Benefits

Even as the U.S. economy as a whole recovers from the Great Recession, Millennials (those born from the early 1980s through the early 2000s) continue to struggle with student debt and slow job growth. The lackluster economy and student debt aren’t the only things holding back Millennials from attaining financial independence and success. Let’s take … Continued

How Much Life Insurance Do You Really Need? | VA Employee Benefits

Some people equate life insurance with tragedy and death. In truth, life insurance is for the living. Without it, the sudden demise of a key breadwinner could leave a family stranded without the resources to maintain their lifestyle—or even retain their home. Not so long ago, professionals recommended that families carry a life insurance policy … Continued