What Is Employer Paid Term Life Insurance? | Virginia Employee Benefits

Employer-paid life insurance can be an important part of protecting your family in the event that you die prematurely. Companies offer the program on top of other benefits, such as health insurance. The coverage is generally term insurance, meaning there is no investment or cash-value component. If you pass on unexpectedly, depriving your family not … Continued

Federal Employment Law Update – December 2016 | Virginia Employee Benefits

President Obama Signs 21st Century Cures Act into Law On December 13, 2016, President Obama signed the 21st Century Cures Act (H.R. 6) into law. The law allows certain small businesses to use qualified small business health reimbursement accounts (HRAs) without Affordable Care Act (ACA) related penalties. Certain limits to the accounts would apply, including … Continued

Officials Provide New ACA Guidance in FAQ #35 | Virginia Employee Benefits

On December 20, 2016, federal officials released FAQs About Affordable Care Act Implementation Part 35 (FAQ #35) in an ongoing series of informal guidance regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This FAQ addresses several topics: Special enrollment rules. Preventive services. Qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangements. A summary of the key points from FAQ #35 … Continued

Rules for FSA & HSA Accounts | Virginia Employee Benefits

Overview According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), no permission or authorization to set up either an FSA or HSA account is required. Both accounts are intended to help provide you with financial assistance regarding medical care costs. An FSA (flexible spending account) is set up by your employer. An HSA (health savings account) is … Continued

How to Implement an Employee Training Program | Virginia Employee Benefits

Employee training programs are beneficial to organizations of varying sizes. Even small companies can improve customer service skills. Large organizations often need training programs specifically targeted to employee development and changing technologies. The Society for Human Resource Management says that offering training programs to employees helps the employee feel more engaged and committed to the … Continued

OSHA’s New Recordkeeping Rule Will Take Effect December 1 As Scheduled | VA Employee Benefits

In a November 28, 2016 decision, a federal district court in Texas denied a preliminary injunction to block the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) new rule, Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses. This means that the antiretaliation provisions will take effect on December 1, 2016 and the electronic filing provision takes effect in … Continued