Senate Fails to Pass Any Changes to the ACA | Virginia Benefit Advisors

In the early morning hours of July 28, 2017, the Senate’s leadership failed in its latest attempt to pass a bill—any bill—to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Capping off weeks of divergent proposals, and various procedural moves to avoid the normal committee process, the last measure was defeated 49 – 51. What happens now? … Continued

What Are Some Pros & Cons of HIPAA? | Virginia Benefit Advisors

Congress approved the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to guard the privacy of personal medical information, and to give individuals the right to keep their health insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions in place even if they change jobs. The law has done this, providing important safeguards for patients. But it has also increased … Continued

What Is the Importance of OSHA in the Workplace? | Virginia Benefit Advisors

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, was established in 1970 to encourage employees and employers to decrease workplace hazards. OSHA recommends that both parties cooperatively establish workplace-specific safety standards. The agency also establishes training programs for occupational safety and health personnel. Finally, OSHA oversees research to find new approaches to workplace safety and … Continued

Senate Releases Health Care Proposal | Virginia Benefit Advisors

This morning, Senate Republicans released their proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Called the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 (BCRA), the Senate proposal adopts H.R. 1628, the bill narrowly passed last month by the House of Representatives, but replaces all the text. The Senate proposal was released without going through … Continued

Keeping Your Summer Events Sunny | Virginia Benefit Advisors

With the official start of summer just around the corner, many companies are planning company picnics, barbecues, and outings to celebrate the season. The good news is that these events are a great opportunity to thank employees for hard work and to encourage them to mingle outside of the normal work setting. The less fun … Continued

Critical Illness Insurance—What You Need to Know | Virginia Benefit Advisors

When we hear the word insurance, most of us tend to think of things like car or health insurance. Critical illness insurance most likely isn’t one of the types of insurance that comes to mind. It makes sense—we often don’t want to think about the scarier health-related risks in life—especially not critical illness. Unfortunately this inclination to … Continued