New Legislation Updates ACA Reporting Rules | Virginia Benefits Firm

At the close of 2024, Congress passed two new pieces of legislation: the Paperwork Burden Reduction Act and the Employer Reporting Improvement Act. These laws simplify the Affordable Care Act (ACA) reporting requirements for employers and introduce new limits on the IRS’s authority to enforce “pay-or-play” penalties, among other changes. Under the ACA, applicable large … Continued

Gag Clause Attestation Deadline | VA Employee Benefits Partners

As the year comes to an end, a crucial compliance deadline looms for employers with health plans. Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), health plans and insurance issuers must submit a Gag Clause Compliance Attestation by December 31, 2024. Since its enactment in 2020, this regulation prohibits health plans from including gag clauses—provisions that limit … Continued

Benefits Breakdown August 2023 | Virginia Benefits Consultants

Strategies for Identifying and Resolving Gaps in Benefits Offerings Identifying gaps in benefits offerings can be complex, as it requires a careful assessment of employee preferences, trends and organizational resources. However, this task is vital; benefits offerings can lead to increased employee engagement and satisfaction. Consider the following strategies for identifying and addressing these gaps: … Continued

Benefits 101: What Is an EAP? | Virginia Employee Benefits Partners

As much as employers might prefer that employees’ personal affairs do not interfere with their work, the reality is that problems outside of the workplace can and do impact job performance.  Many of these issues go unaddressed due to fear of stigmatization, leading to further declines in employee health and productivity.  Anxiety and stress, financial … Continued

HR Trends to Watch in 2022| VA Employee Benefits Advisors

Human Resources leaders are always being asked to look into a crystal ball and predict the future. You probably don’t have any super powers. But your Spidey sense might be telling you that a few trends that are surfacing are likely to stick around through the new year, 2022. The coronavirus pandemic has changed your … Continued

Cyber Security: Think Before You Click | Virginia Employee Benefits Partners

If you are concerned about your cyber security – and you should be – it’s essential to know the biggest threats to you right now.  So, what is cyber security anyway?  And how can you protect yourself? Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious … Continued

Exploring Year-Round Benefits Engagement | Virginia Employee Benefits Partners

Just as with any good, healthy relationship, communication with employees is key. Only communicating with employees regarding their benefits package during open enrollment will most definitely result in them not taking full advantage of all it has to offer. In an effort to assist employees in understanding and maximizing their benefits, companies should use a … Continued

Telemedicine | VA Employee Benefits Firm

In light of COVID-19 pandemic, these healthcare system in US has changed. More and more, people are seeking out telemedicine services versus the traditional brick and mortar physician’s office. The trend also includes telemental health services as well. So are advantages of services and how are growing to meet the need? Pandemic Launch The COVID-19 … Continued