What Is Employer Paid Term Life Insurance? | Virginia Benefit Advisors

Employer-paid life insurance can be an important part of protecting your family in the event that you die prematurely. Companies offer the program on top of other benefits, such as health insurance. The coverage is generally term insurance, meaning there is no investment or cash-value component. If you pass on unexpectedly, depriving your family not … Continued

Are You Ready to Electronically Report Injuries and Illnesses to OSHA? | Virginia Benefit Advisors

December 1, 2017 is the deadline for certain employers to use the Occupational Safety and Health Agency’s (OSHA) Injury Tracking Application (ITA) portal to report information from their 2016 Form 300A regarding employee illnesses and injuries. We previously reported (Breach Forces OSHA to Shut Down Reporting Portal) that OSHA suspended employer reporting through the ITA … Continued

IRS Releases Final 2017 ACA Reporting Forms and Instructions | VA Benefit Advisors

The IRS has finalized the forms and instructions that employers will use for 2017 reporting under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Applicable large employers (ALEs) will use the following: 2017 Form 1094-C (transmittal to IRS). 2017 Form 1095-C (statement to individual). 2017 Instructions for Forms 1094-C and 1095-C (instructions). Employers that self-fund a minimum essential … Continued

Breaking News: Costly Overtime Rule Struck Down | Virginia Benefit Advisors

On August 31, 2017, Federal District Court Judge Amos Mazzant overturned the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Final Overtime Rule that would have doubled the annual salary level to qualify for exemption from overtime from $23,660 to $47,476. The same judge issued an injunction stopping implementation of the final rule nine months ago, and the … Continued